Rudolph with bumps

It used to be just the song: familiar tune and words that could be sung sitting down. But it’s much more fun now – even if fairly exhausting – and the old-fashioned way just so, well, passé, I guess, and grandfatherly.

Today I learned that it’s supposed to go something like this:

Rudolph the re …

(grandchildren fall to the ground shouting “bump”, laughing)

d nosed reind …

(grandchildren fall to the ground shouting “bump”, laughing)

eer had a very shiny no …

(grandchildren fall to the ground shouting “bump”, laughing)

se. And if you ever saw it, you would ev …

(pattern repeated, forte, until the end of the song, followed by further repetitions of the entire piece until parents and grandparents are without voice and / or energy and the little ones are still shouting for more)

There’s never a day, not even the “shortest day”, when there isn’t something new to be learned. Wonder of wonders.

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