Dance, then …

See You at Dance Base, Grassmarket

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Festival Opening Night 2022 – a night like none other! See You, at Dance Base in Grassmarket, was an encounter so rich, intense and beautiful I had to remind myself to breathe. Being up close to stunningly disciplined, exquisite, fluid, athletic choreography like this demanded spellbound attention and response in every slowed second. Utterly, utterly wonderful.

See You click for Ed Fringe bookings


Macro at the Murrayfield Stadium

And then more! Macro in Edinburgh’s ginormous Murrayfield Stadium was also a poetic feast. A celebration of ascent, climb, community, connection, fall, family, leaps of faith, and place, of history, love, lament, music, movement and vivacity. An immense crowd caught up and personally involved in this astonishing presentation was a deeply moving ‘piece of art’ in itself.

Edinburgh Royal Military Tattoo 1st night

And then further. This being Edinburgh, echoes of many centuries past and those of just moments ago hang in the air. This photo captures an ancient fortress, more than a thousand years old. The Royal Military Tattoo spectacular ‘Voices’ has just concluded opening night of 2022. Thousands from all over the world walk down the hill in animated conversation – ‘something long known and only now seen’ – and the Edinburgh evening breathes ‘dance, then …’

And there will be more.

archive – a list of all earlier posts

6 thoughts on “Dance, then …

  1. Wow, Simon, these performances look incredible! Cannot imagine how thrilling it must be to immerse yourself in the moment. I found myself holding my breath as I watched these brief clips. Love it! Xx

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    1. Reading this, Lori, I’ve been doing a rough count of the number of times I’ve actually held my breath in the face of great art across my lifetime. Many, many times, I think – once, long ago, watching Torvill and Dean dance on ice to Ravel’s slow-climb ‘Boléro,’ finishing up gulping down air, overwhelmed with emotion and gratitude … 😊🌱xx

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  2. Ahhhh, Torvill and Dean skating to Boléro…that immediately evokes an image in my mind’s eye. One of those amazing performances one never forgets. So happy you are having these amazing encounters….xx

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