Reflection and histories


We who are water know
familial communion with
pond and river
lake and ocean
and we abide and communicate
by way of ripple and reflection
warmed by amniotic held
flotation – raised from
which our primal gasp and
cry signalled alpha and omega
of incarnate gradation – and
sight of mothered Wisdom
and taste of liquid nutrition
alongside growth spurt’s

Yes: our infancy born from
someone else’s depths never
leaves us – we are forever
embraced by it and so return
to reflection and histories
and promise as though to the
breast – and in gazing into
layered depths see at the
same time the light of height
yes: we who are water know
familial communion with
pond and river
lake and ocean
and we abide through all

Walk in woodland

photo at pixabay

Shafts of sunlight through
the canopy dance like
the pixies did last evening
and here’s a baby rhino
in wounded bark
and a broken link from
a chain saw and a
discarded yogurt pot
and this branch is a
portrait of a baby elephant
with a mop of moss for her
hair. And joy-filled
I am here and she –
mossy-mop – trumpets in
the sunlight over there