

I sometimes forget
that I was created for joy

My mind is too busy

My heart is too heavy
for me to remember
that I have been
called to dance
the Sacred dance of life

I was created to smile
to love
to be lifted up
and to lift others up

Oh, Sacred One
untangle my feet
from all that trap

Free my soul

that we might
and that our dancing
might be infectious


The (wonderfully international) dance group I belong to will meet for the first time after the Christmas break tomorrow evening. We’ll all have missed both the weekly dance and each other – movement and relationship that runs so much deeper than ‘just’ an evening spent on a dance floor.

One of our number circulated this ‘wisdom prayer’ from Rumi among us today. Yes, we do forget, sometimes, for all kinds of reasons, and under all kinds of different life-pressures. But then the reunions, the ‘coming to our senses’ again, chase away the clouds on even the greyest of cold, winter nights. Yes, indeed, may our dancing be infectious.

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