Something in the air


Ricoh GRIII – click photos to enlarge

Blossoms, blue sky, cloud and sunshine made for a fabulous Sunday in Edinburgh today. Days that look like this one make people’s spirits soar. From cherry blossom walks, to the Royal Mile and onward to Waverley Station, Princes Street, or a peaceful ten minutes on a bench in St Andrew Square – Edinburgh (anywhere, really) comes to life under the sun!


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Revisiting: Entranced by the light

Portobello, Edinburgh

One of the joys of keeping a journal is, of course, ‘flipping through the pages’ and bringing to mind people, things, places and experiences that made an impression. Today I was delighted to revisit Entranced by the light … first published here on 22nd May 2021.

Time and time again, I am moved and entranced by the movement of tide and cloud and light – sometimes stormy, bracing and energising; sometimes calm and colourful and wide inside 😊

St Leonard’s Crag, Edinburgh

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Seize that loveliness
It has always been yours

Yrsa Daley-Ward
untitled 2

Time has flown by since my last post from Denmark – a wonderful road trip involving a ferry crossing, time in the Netherlands, driving Northwards through Germany, and onwards to a fabulously snowy Northern Denmark, before returning by train and plane.

I’ve been a bit preoccupied since my return to Scotland, having signed up with enthusiasm for what is turning out to be a life-changing 3 month long programme called WildFit in pursuit of better overall health and – especially – energy in the wake of Covid and all it changed in us, all over the world. My daily food consumption (and physical outline) has changed beyond recognition, with a move towards a daily litre or so of, first blended fruits and raw vegetables, and latterly just the raw vegetables, with chicken and other quality protein provision. It’s a demanding programme, no doubt about it, but it is very well supported by a cohort ‘tribe’ and coaches from all over the world. I’ll write more of this, perhaps, in future posts, but for the time being just wanted to note it here as an explanation, largely for myself, as to why time seems to have taken wings in the last month!

In addition to the above I’m still thriving on dancing, dear friendships, poetry, photography, Maria Popova’s magnificent Figuring, delight in Edinburgh, and signs of upcoming Spring. Just imagining a rise in temperature, blue sky and sunshine lifts my spirits …

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Haircut ‘n’ Tuk Tuk


I rarely choose to eat out alone, but the cheering effects of a good walk and a haircut on a sunny day drew me in again to a spot recently enjoyed with a friend. Edinburgh’s Drummond Street Tuk Tuk serves great food that speaks for itself. Special hat tip today to Michael who ensured that a solo guest felt as welcome as a large party. I appreciate it. And I’ll be back.

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Sunday evening mellowness


Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared

calendar thought for the day supplied by the meditation app Aura

Reflection, by candlelight, in late evening, brings a procession of causes for gratefulness into my quietened mind. Conversation with a friend who enjoys both candlelight and quietness as much as I do. My first Feldenkrais class via Zoom. Books that draw out aha! or eureka moments on the one hand, and deep and glad recognition on the other. Creativity. Shared art. Shared imagination. Photographs made by two friends today, miles apart, but each depicting eerily beautiful morning mist in winter wonderland. Plans for comings and goings. Teamwork. Letters. Phone calls. Prayer. Celebration. Contemplation. Meditation. Daydreaming. Growing. Hoping. Learning. Longing. The illumination that relationship with others brings to life and love every day. Here in this candlelit, quiet Edinburgh night, the word ‘connection’ appears as though it were an illuminated sign before me. Connection. I am warmed and held as I think of all that can be brought to birth by a single candle contributing light to potentially thousands of others – lucky old me among them …

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More a way of life


Edinburgh isn’t so much a city, more a way of life … I doubt I’ll ever tire of exploring Edinburgh, on foot or in print

Ian Rankin

A beautiful, crisp blue day, a few days before Christmas. There’s music in the air, and a bit of a bite in the tousling wind. Sun’s rays in mist over the Pentland Hills. Conversations in multiple languages. Laughter in the universal language of laughter. Architecture, sky and sunlight in the very particular language of Edinburgh. WhatsApp with friends glad to be away for holidays, but whose presence here is felt ‘in spirit’ until they return. Not so much a city, more a way of life …


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Teeth chattering returning


more @gardenstudiogram | click photos to enlarge

Frosted: Norway’s tree
and a new Stable scene on
the Mound and then home

Well wrapped to say the least, still my teeth chatter – even as I smile on this frosty bright-lit Edinburgh night. Norway’s annual gift (thank you!). Invitation to outdoor community carol singing. A striking, simple, unusual representation of a striking, simple, unusual arrival on earth. A Carousel on George Street. Kaleidoscopic seasonal songs intermingled. Delighted children – some very young and some very old – in the Christmas markets. The tram bell. The illuminated Castle. A bit hungry. Looking forward to holding a hot mug of steaming herbal tea. Happy. Slowed. Grateful. Ponderous. And then home … ah, how one appreciates arriving home in Winter.


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