Teeth chattering returning


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Frosted: Norway’s tree
and a new Stable scene on
the Mound and then home

Well wrapped to say the least, still my teeth chatter – even as I smile on this frosty bright-lit Edinburgh night. Norway’s annual gift (thank you!). Invitation to outdoor community carol singing. A striking, simple, unusual representation of a striking, simple, unusual arrival on earth. A Carousel on George Street. Kaleidoscopic seasonal songs intermingled. Delighted children – some very young and some very old – in the Christmas markets. The tram bell. The illuminated Castle. A bit hungry. Looking forward to holding a hot mug of steaming herbal tea. Happy. Slowed. Grateful. Ponderous. And then home … ah, how one appreciates arriving home in Winter.


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Voyaging (still)



more @gardenstudiogram | click photos to enlarge

Strange how one thing leads to another, isn’t it? The exquisitely written ‘The Offing’ I’m currently reading by Benjamin Myers has ‘the occasional horse too, tethered in lacklustre paddocks, ribs showing like the hulls of beached old boats’ … and my mind immediately flew to Brittany:

Voyaging – first posted on 5th October 2016

Le cimetière de bâteaux du Bono

For years we’ve
come remembering
your voyaging here
long before us and
we hear the gulls
laughing and admire
the industry of
oystercatchers and
the youth of shiny
new acorns as we
note that the comings
and goings of the
tides across your
venerable oak boughs
are quietly returning
you to the ground of
your origins just as
year by year they are
returning us too and
the serenity here
though poignant
holds us in peace

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Contemplative pen

So, I am a pen –
apparently an object
incapable of

thought yet possessed of
ability to make marks
on paper that speak

of metaphor and
so I permit myself to
enquire from whence comes

that flows in my ink, from whence
and how, why and when? –

heady stuff for all
of us: women and men and
contemplative pen