The gift …


There are souls in this world who have the gift of finding joy everywhere, and leaving it behind them when they go

F W Faber

‘Ah, but what to do if we don’t have the gift?’ I can see her now – a couple of years after our conversation. My friend was melancholy – fed up, she told me, with another friend who was ‘sickeningly joyful all the time,’ someone who reckoned to find joy wherever and whenever she looked for it …

Well, I sensed it wasn’t the time to pursue that conversation very far. And I wasn’t in the mood for an argument. But we came back to thoughts about joy a couple of weeks later. ‘What to do if we don’t have the gift?’ And it dawned on me that ‘the gift’ might be something we all have to consciously ask for, something we must deliberately seek out. So I said so.

Long story short, we both determined to ask for ‘the gift’ every day – and surprise, surprise, we have reflected many times since that joy-seeking is actually a life-changing exercise, for us and for others. There’s always some joy to be found right in front of our noses – some little and some enormous. We receive the gift of finding joy when we ask for it, and with the gift comes whole new purpose. And having purpose changes us first, and ‘our world’ as a consequence – leaving something of worth behind us as we go.

So I think it’s worth asking!

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