Revisiting: Some times

Photo by WildOne at Pixabay

Sometimes – I hear a tap tap tapping though I’m looking at a photograph of a typewriter – which image makes no sound; I encounter story in silence where neither keys nor pen have yet shaped words; I feel what is over an horizon though it be beyond my sight; I sense poetry busy in the act of creating; I touch that which is not yet present. Sometimes all of life presents as mystery to be aspired to – and hoped for.

Some times.

archive – a list of all earlier posts


2 thoughts on “Revisiting: Some times

    1. Ah, the joy of memories, Mimi. All of yours, and – for some reason, this afternoon, of my mahogany wind-up gramophone and a crackling 78rpm of Howard Keel and ‘Oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day …’ (with a touch of snow around the festal Carousel here in Edinburgh) 😍. Hugs and love – and deep appreciation for your last post. Words fail us in the face of much that exists in today’s world. But you always hit the right note. And you are a deeply valued and beloved light for our times 🤗💕xx

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