Instant success

Instant success is the order of the day; “I want it now!” I wonder whether this is not part of our corruption by machines. Machines do things very quickly and outside the natural rhythm of life…so the few things that we still do…anything at all that cannot be hurried, have a very particular value.

May Sarton
Journal of a Solitude

Yes: isn’t that true for all of us? “I want it now!”. It’s lovely to read May Sarton’s journals and poetry towards the end of her life. Full of hurry and vim and vigour in early life – and fairly heavy periods of serious depression along the way – she mellowed and slowed, as we all must. Contemplation, flowers, garden, home, poetry and her books – “anything at all that cannot be hurried”.

Wanting everything now, we’re all of us on a hiding to nothing!